Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Was Shocked!

I could not believe what I heard when I woke up this morning and turned on the news. The Senate was scheduled to debate a $1.5 trillion (yes, that is with a T) bill to pay for Nationalized (or whatever you want to call it) health care system. Just a couple of weeks ago they were telling us it would be a mere $600 billion. How in the world did this multiply by 2.5 times in that short period?

I’m not going to get into rather I believe in this or not. (Although I will let you know I called the White House, my senators, and congressman to let them know.) I’m not going to try to change your mind either way. Not even going to talk about where they have plans of coming up with this money, except for one idea which will affect you.

Let’s look at how it could affect your practice. I have talked to some DC’s that are very nervous about this country going down this road. They believe it will put them out of business. And it will, if you do not adapt and change with the circumstance. I believe those that run and hide will go out of business. But, on the other hand, I think those that ask good questions such as, “How can I profit from this change?” can make out like never before.

One of the genius ways that our government has plans of paying for this program is by restricting care. Now I don’t know what your definition of that is and I sure don’t have any clue of what they mean by it. I do know that I have friends that have lived in Canada and they have told me when Canadian citizens with money need to see a doctor they come to the US and pay cash for it.

Now that I think about it, if you watch the news you’ll hear stories of many leaders and celebrities of other counties that have nationalized medicine end up coming to the US. Where are we going to go? If there is someplace, what if we don’t have the money to travel to that county? This is where the entrepreneurial spirit kicks in.

If you are a DC, I personally believe that with the current trends in preventative health care you can step in and help the common person. Patients that are looking for prevention pay cash and visit more often. They are looking for ways to stay out of the medical doctors’ offices and hospitals. I personally have not seen or taken a family member to an MD for over ten years.

My DC is my personal physician. Why shouldn’t he be, he has helped me beat my health problems that the MD’s told me were “incurable” and I’d just have to learn to live with them. Why not step into that role and start educating the general public on how you can help them other than just spinal manipulation. If you don’t know how, learn now. Become the answer for those “restrictive care” situations.

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